Do Huskies Fetch? (7 Tips For Training Your Husky To Fetch)

Posted by Jori Griner

Do huskies fetch? This is a question that has plagued mankind for centuries. Some say yes, some say no, but the answer may never be fully known. To sort it out once and for all, we have created this guide. So, keep reading!

Do Huskies Fetch?

Yes, they do. Fetch is a great game for huskies! Not only is it a great way to keep them active, but it also helps them bond with their owners. Huskies are natural retrievers, so they usually take to fetching quickly and easily. However, like all dogs, they need to be taught the rules of the game how to fetch and return the object, and not to chew on it. With a little patience and practice, you can teach your husky.

In this article, we will discuss Do huskies fetch. We will cover everything you need to know about this topic including what is fetch, how to train your husky to fetch, why some huskies do not fetch, and many more.

How husky play fetch?

How husky play fetch?

Fetch is a game in which an object is thrown, and the dog brings it back to the thrower. It is a great way to exercise your dog and have fun at the same time. Many dogs take to fetching quickly and easily, but some need a little more practice. Here are a few responses one can expect from huskies when playing fetch.

  • Some huskies will chase after the object but not bring it back. This is often because they do not understand that the game is about bringing the object back to you. They may need a little more practice or some additional training before they catch on.
  • Other Huskies will bring the object back to you but drop it at your feet instead of giving it to you. Again, this is usually because they do not understand the game or need more practice.
  • Some huskies will fetch the object and bring it all the way back to you, but they will not let go of it. This is often because they are trying to play keep away or because they are not used to giving up the object.

7 Tips For Training Your Husky To Fetch

Tips For Training Your Husky To Fetch

Teach giving the command:

The first step in teaching your husky to fetch is to teach them the command “give” or “drop it.” This is the command you will use to get them to let go of the object once they bring it back to you. 

You can do this by holding a treat in your hand and saying the command “give” or “drop it.” When they let go of the treat, give them the treat and praise them.

Start with something they already love:

Many huskies already love to play with balls, so fetch is a great game for them. Start by playing with a ball that they already love, such as a tennis ball or squeaky toy. This will help them understand the game and get them excited about playing.

Make it fun:

The key to teaching your husky to fetch is to make it fun for them. If they are not having fun, they will not want to play the game. So, make sure you praise them when they do something good and give them treats.

Build distance eventually:

Start by standing close to your husky and throwing the ball a short distance. You might be dissatisfied if you throw a toy a few yards away and expect your husky to get it for you. It is preferable to begin training your dog when you are just a few inches away from him. The distance can then be gradually increased to a few feet, then a few yards.

Back Chaining:

One method that can be used to train a husky to fetch is called back chaining. This is where you start with the last part of the behavior and work your way backward. 

So, in this case, you would start by teaching your husky to bring the object all the way back to you and then drop it at your feet. Once they are able to do this consistently, you can then start teaching them to fetch the object from a short distance.

Be patient:

Huskies are smart dogs, but they still need time to learn. So, be patient with them and don’t get frustrated if they don’t catch on right away. Just keep practicing and they will eventually learn.

Do not force it:

If your husky is not interested in playing fetch, do not force them. Some huskies just are not interested in the game and that is okay. Just try another activity that they might enjoy, such as playing tug-of-war or going for a walk.

Why huskies may not fetch? (3 Possible Reasons)

Why huskies may not fetch

There are a few reasons why your husky may not fetch, even if you have taught them the command and they seem interested in playing.

No motivation

Motivation is key when teaching your husky to fetch. If they are not motivated, they will not be interested in playing the game. Make sure you are using treats or their favorite toy as a motivator.

Not understanding the game

Many huskies do not understand the game of fetch and think you are just trying to take their toy away from them. This is because huskies are not retrievers by nature. They are bred to pull sleds, not fetch things. So, you need to be patient and explain the game to them.

Not enough practice

Huskies need time to learn. So, if you are not seeing any progress, it is probably because they have not had enough practice. Just keep practicing and they will eventually catch on.


Summing up, fetch is a great game for huskies and can be a lot of fun. However, it is important to keep in mind that they are not bred to fetch and may not understand the game at first. Just be patient and keep practicing and they will eventually catch on.

In the guide, we have covered the reasons why huskies may not fetch, even if you have taught them the command and they seem interested in playing. Follow tips and instructions from this guide, and you will for sure train your husky to fetch in no time!