How Strong Is a Cane Corso's Bite Force? (PSI Calculated and Facts)

Posted by Jori Griner

There are many breeds of dogs, but one of the biggest and strongest is the Cane Corso. Originally from Italy, the Cane Corso was used for hunting large game and as a property protector. Nowadays, the Cane Corso is still used for hunting and property protection but is also a popular family pet. Does Cane Corsos bite with much force?

How strong is a Cane Corso's bite? 

The average bite rate of Cane Corsos is 700 pounds per square inch (PSI). In comparison, humans have an average biting intensity of 120 PSI. That means that a Cane Corso's bite is about 5 times stronger than a human's! A Cane Corso's bite is felt if you're ever on the receiving end. 

In this article, we'll take a look at the Cane Corso's bite pressure, and what factors contribute to its power. Our discussion will also include what other dog breeds do when it comes to bite force. Let's begin.

How to measure the true Cane Corso bite?

PSI, or "pound per square inch," is a unit of pressure that expresses how many pounds of pressure are exerted per square inch and is commonly used to measure bite resistance.

For comparison, the average person only applies 16 PSI to the ground they are standing on.

The most frequent figures we came across while investigating a Cane Corso's biting energy were 500, 550, and 552, and some sources claimed 700. Why is the number 700 floating around the internet although the average number used by animal specialists is 552, as documented by numerous reliable sources?

Though we couldn't locate any evidence, there's a chance that someone measured 700; we are not discounting the possibility. Who knows, maybe a Cane Corso did strike it fortunate; he was in the zone, found the ideal angle, and bit the measuring apparatus precisely.

Why is a Cane Corso's bite force so strong?

The Cane Corso is an Italian Mastiff that was historically used for hunting large game such as boar. Recent studies have shown that the Cane Corso has a higher bite strength than any other breed of dog. 

Why is a Cane Corso's bite force so strong

Of all the different breeds of dogs in the world, there is one that stands out for its unique ability to deliver a vicious bite. There is a breed of dog known as the Cane Corso. To better understand Cane Corso's incredible biting power, let's take a closer look at the factors that contribute to its power. 

1. Jaw Structure and Muscles

One of the primary reasons why the Cane Corso has such a strong bite is because of its jaw structure. The Cane Corso's jaws are very muscular and solidly built, which allows them to generate a tremendous amount of pulling power. Their jaw muscles are so well-developed that they can make up for 20% of the dog's entire body mass! 

2. The shape of Their Teeth

While all dogs have sharp teeth, the Cane Corso's are specially designed for maximum biting power. Their long incisors allow them to sink their bite deep into their prey, while their molars are perfect for crushing and grinding. If you combine these two factors, it's no wonder that the Cane Corso can deliver such a devastating bite. 

3. The Final Piece of the Puzzle

The final piece of the puzzle is brute strength. Cane Corsos are incredibly strong dogs, and they use every ounce of their strength as they bite down. Their Bite Force Ratio (BFR) is one of the highest of any dog breed, which means that they can exert a large amount of weight relative to their size. All of these factors combined make the Cane Corso one of the most effective dogs in the world for it comes to biting. 

What is the action of a Cane Corso when it bites? Do they lock their jaws?

What is the action of a Cane Corso when it bites

Cane Corsos are often misunderstood. Some people think that these dogs are dangerous because they lock their jaws after they bite. Let's find out.  

The idea behind "locking the jaws" is that giant dogs with blocky, wide, and wide-set heads and massive jaws can firmly attach the jaws to their prey. 

It is claimed that as soon as a dog locks its jaws, it will not release whatever it is until it deems it appropriate to do so. Cane Corsos, however, are exempt from this.

Cane Corsos lack the internal systems that would enable their jaws to lock together, hence they cannot lock their jaws.

So if you're ever worried about being on the receiving end of a cane Corso bite, don't be. Their bites may hurt, but they

What kinds of damage can be done with a Cane Corso's bite force?

What kinds of damage can be done with a Cane Corso's bite force

Given their high bite acuity, it's no surprise that Cane Corsos can cause some serious damage if they attack. In addition to crushing bones, they can also do a lot of soft tissue damage. This is because their teeth are very sharp and their jaws are incredibly tough. If you are ever attacked by a Cane Corso, you will likely suffer some major injuries that will require medical attention. 

Some of the most common injuries that are seen in Cane Corso attack victims include:

Puncture wounds - Because of their sharp incisors, Cane Corsos can cause deep puncture wounds that can damage muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues.

Lacerations - Cane Corsos can also cause lacerations. These are usually shallow cuts that do not go deep into the skin. However, they can still be very painful and may require stitches to close.

Bruising - Cane Corsos can cause a lot of bruising with their bites. This is because their dental structures are so sharp and their jaws are so robust. The bruises can be very painful and may last for several weeks.

Fractures - They have such enormous teeth that they can easily break bones. If you are attacked by a Cane Corso, you may suffer fractures in your arms, legs, or other parts of your body.

Internal bleeding - Cane Corsos can also cause internal bleeding with their bites. This is because they can puncture organs and cause bleeding inside the body. It may be necessary to go to the hospital for treatment if you are attacked by a Cane Corso.


How do you think the breed's bite compares to other dog breeds? 

The Cane Corso has a considerable bite intensity in comparison compared to other breeds of dogs, as you shall see. Pitbull and American bulldog biting capabilities are nearly tripled in the cane Corso. Bulldogs have a biting potential of 305 PSI, Pitbulls have a biting capacity of 235 PSI, and the Cane Corso has a bite significance advantage of 700 PSI.

Is the breed considered dangerous?

No, the Cane Corso is not considered dangerous. However, they are a decisive breed with a strong bite, so you should always use caution around them.

Bottom Line

The bite amplitude is an important factor to consider before choosing a dog breed. The Cane Corso has a very powerful bite aggressiveness, which can be both a good and a bad thing. It can protect and defend them with its fierce bite, but it can also be used for self-defense. On the other hand, it can also be dangerous if they are not properly trained and socialized.

We hope that you have gained a better understanding of the Cane Corso's bite force after reading this article. Feel free to ask any questions or leave a comment. Your reading has been greatly appreciated!